Training Videos
We have produced a number of training videos to walk you through various aspects of the use and configuration of your MediaMaster System:
IPTV and VoD Setup (MMTips #1 & 2)
Learn how to set up your school's classroom computers so that they can view the IPTV channels and video-on-demand titles served by the MediaMaster System. You will learn which software you need to install, how to configure it, and what system changes need to be made to allow it to work as expected. There are two videos, one for Windows and one for Mac OS X, approximately 5 minutes each.
Title Searching (MMTip #3)
Most of the MediaMaster applications have a searchable title list. You've undoubtedly used it to find titles quickly, but you probably didn't know about all of the special features of this powerful search engine. This quick video will open your eyes to new possibilities for tearing through a huge title database to find exactly the right title.
Playing with Playlist (MMTip #4)
Playlist is one of the most powerful features of the MediaMaster System, so you are likely not aware of its full capability. This video introduces you to the most essential features of the Playlist application. Even long-time users of Playlist have reported learning a thing or two from this video!
Powerful Playlists (MMTip #5)
This follow-on to MMTips video #4 covers the display power related actions available in Playlist, including the new off-at-start and power-at-end behaviors introduced to MediaMaster in early 2018.
Play-at-End (MMTip #6)
Typically, the MediaMaster Playlist feature plays digital video titles from the start of the playlist's running time, but what if you want to play a title right at the end of the playlist? This video covers the feature that lets you do that.
Plurally-Paged Playlists (MMTip #7)
In this final video in the series on the new MediaMaster Playlist features, we weave several threads from the previous videos into an interesting combination. Will it blend? Yes. Yes, it will.
User Guides
We have PDF documentation for our systems:
MediaController Manual (1.0 MB)
MediaScheduler Manual (328 kB)
MediaMaster Administrator Manual (2.5 MB)
Digital and Analog Video User Guide (1.3 MB)
Encoding Station User Guide (current edition) (3.2 MB)
Obsolete Documentation
For people still using our older systems, we're still making some of our older manuals available:
ACI/ACM Setup and Programming Guide (709.3 kB)
ACM Button Mappings (142.9 kB)
Encoding Station User Guide (2008 edition) (3.0 MB)
Encoding Station User Guide (2007 edition) (1.9 MB)